

September 2024

08 10.10 Gottesdienst
Evangelastisch II: Markus Schmid
Leutschenbachstrasse 95
12 06.00 Joy of Morning Prayer
12 20.00 Joy of Evening Prayer
ZOOM Meeting
15 19.30 Worship und Gebet Leutschenbachstrasse 95
19 06.00 Joy of Morning Prayer

Special events


Training for everyone*


In the Equip seminars we look at how to live an empowered lifestyle. Through inspiring teachings and application-oriented learning we get equipped to become and to live more and more like Jesus.

Prayer training

We are convinced that when we pray something will always happen. The prayer training consists of short and up-building modules. We learn to pray like Jesus did. By doing that encouragement, healing and freedom shall flow in the life of the people we minister to. Our field of application is both Sunday mornings in our service and our everyday life.

Cluster workshop

At the Cluster workshops we teach basic principles of a cluster. Everyone that wants to live as part of an extended family, that serves the people they are called to, is welcome to this workshop. The goal is to understand what a cluster is and to develop a plan to start an own cluster.


* Information about current training offerings you find in our Agenda.